ATTPM – Episode 11

Darian stepped into Aspira Plaza, greeted by sleek lines and polished surfaces that mirrored Ivara’s relentless pursuit of precision. He’d visited her office several times before, and though the space was familiar, it always reflected her distinct energy—efficient and cutting-edge.

The receptionist gave him a brief nod before waving him toward the private elevator. No unnecessary pleasantries; that was the way Ivara liked it.

When he arrived at her office, Ivara was already at her desk, scrolling through a report. She glanced up as he entered, her sharp gaze meeting his without hesitation.

“Darian,” she greeted. “You’ve heard about Donovan.”

Darian nodded, taking a seat across from her. “I have. It looks like he’s made it his mission to disrupt our venture.”

Ivara set her tablet aside. “It’s more than disruption. He sees us as a threat, and he’s moving fast to block us.”

Darian leaned forward slightly. “We knew someone would eventually push back. It was just a matter of time.”

Ivara’s jaw tightened. “He’s not just pushing back. He’s trying to choke off our supply lines, interfering with distribution, and planting doubts among investors. If we don’t move now, we risk everything slipping through our fingers.”

Darian rested his elbows on the chair’s armrests, thoughtful. “Donovan’s strength is creating noise—distractions. If we react loudly, we play into his hands. I suggest we dismantle his influence piece by piece. Quietly.”

Ivara folded her arms, her gaze unwavering. “Quiet doesn’t win wars, Darian. Speed does. If we act decisively, we can cut him off before he gets any further.”

Darian knew this was coming. They had worked through challenges together before, but Ivara’s tendency to favor aggressive action often clashed with his measured approach. Still, they’d always found a way to make it work.

“That might work in the short term,” Darian replied. “But Donovan’s been in this game for a long time. He’ll expect bold moves. If we take our time, we control the outcome—and he won’t see it coming.”

Ivara tapped a finger against her desk, her frustration simmering beneath her composed exterior. “If we wait too long, Darian, someone else will take advantage while we’re playing it safe.”

He gave her a steady look. “This isn’t playing it safe. It’s securing our position so no one can touch us—Donovan included.”

There was a moment of silence between them, the weight of the decision pressing down. Ivara’s instincts urged her to strike fast, but Darian’s logic was sound. She hated delays, but even she couldn’t argue with the sense in what he was saying.

“Fine,” Ivara said, exhaling sharply. “We do it your way. But if Donovan even looks like he’s gaining ground, I’m not waiting.”

Darian nodded, recognizing the reluctant acceptance for what it was. “Deal.”

With the decision made, the tension between them hadn’t fully dissipated, but both fell into familiar rhythms as they planned their next steps. Darian brought up an investor report on his tablet, sliding it toward Ivara.

“I’ll handle the pressure points through our suppliers,” he said. “We’ll cut off Donovan’s leverage without him realizing it until it’s too late.”

Ivara scanned the report, her fingers drumming against the table. “I’ll take care of the investors. They need to know that Donovan’s influence ends the moment we step in.”

Darian nodded, pleased with how naturally their roles fell into place. Despite the friction between them, their partnership had become something of a well-tuned machine—each of them bringing a different strength to the table.

“You’re sure you can sway them?” Darian asked, though it was more rhetorical than a real question. He knew better than to doubt Ivara’s ability to handle investors.

Ivara gave a sly smile. “They’ll be on board. Donovan’s already overreached, and they know it. I just need to remind them who’s leading the future.”

Darian chuckled softly. “Remind them, or make them regret backing the wrong horse?”

Her smile spread slowly, all teeth and quiet intent. “Why not both?”

Their conversation shifted to finer details—timelines, potential roadblocks, and contingency plans. The energy between them was charged but not hostile. This was their rhythm: two ambitious minds, constantly pushing each other toward sharper solutions.

But as they finalized the plan, Darian couldn’t shake the awareness that their different approaches were starting to create tension that wouldn’t be so easily resolved next time.

As Darian stood to leave, Ivara followed him to the door, her arms crossed loosely—a rare moment of ease in her otherwise rigid demeanor.

“You know,” she said, glancing sideways at him, “it’s frustrating how often your approach ends up making sense.”

Darian smirked. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Ivara shook her head, though the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. “Don’t get used to it.”

He leaned against the doorframe, holding her gaze for a moment longer than necessary. “We’ll win this. And when we do, Donovan won’t know what hit him.”

Ivara arched an eyebrow, her voice low and edged with amusement. “You say that like it’s already decided.”

Darian’s smile deepened. “It is.”

The atmosphere between them shifted again—not quite business, but not entirely personal. There was always a tension beneath their words, an awareness neither of them was ready to address. It was a fine line they walked, and both of them knew it.

“You’ll keep me updated?” Ivara asked, her tone light but with an undercurrent of expectation.

“Of course,” Darian replied. “But I expect the same from you.”

Ivara gave a short nod, satisfied. “Good.”

As Darian turned to leave, Ivara spoke once more, her voice softer this time. “And Darian?”

He paused, looking back over his shoulder.

“Next time, I’ll come to you,” she said, a flicker of something unspoken passing between them. “Just so you know.”

Darian chuckled quietly. “I’ll be waiting.”

With that, he stepped out into the hallway, the door clicking softly behind him. As he walked toward the elevator, his mind was already turning over the next steps in their plan. But part of him lingered on the way Ivara had looked at him just now—like there was more beneath the surface than either of them was ready to explore.

Back in her office, Ivara leaned against the edge of her desk, exhaling slowly. Working with Darian was infuriating at times, but it was also… exhilarating. He challenged her in ways no one else did, and though it frustrated her, it also made her respect him more.