ATTPM – Episode 12

In the heart of his office at Ardent Tower, Darian sat at his desk, his focus sharp as he finalized another discreet deal. His phone buzzed with notifications—alliances being cemented, pressure building quietly where Donovan had least expected it. Darian’s methodical approach was playing out exactly as planned.

Meanwhile, across the city at Aspira Plaza, Ivara was making her moves in plain sight. Her team had released carefully timed statements, underlining the strengths of their venture and subtly discrediting Donovan’s influence. Investors were shifting toward them, and the media was taking notice of Donovan’s faltering grasp.

Ivara thrived in moments like these. A press release here, a well-placed comment at an industry conference there—it all built momentum toward a public dismantling of their competition. Her goal wasn’t just to win. It was to dominate.

Darian’s phone buzzed, and a familiar name appeared on the screen: Ivara. He answered immediately.

“Everything is in place on my end,” she said without preamble, her voice sharp but steady.

“I’ve secured two key investors Donovan was banking on,” Darian replied. “He won’t see it coming until it’s too late.”

“Good,” Ivara said. “I’ve put the pressure on him publicly. If we keep squeezing, he’ll break.”

“Just be careful,” Darian warned, his tone measured. “We don’t need to draw too much attention—if he catches wind of how well-coordinated this is, he’ll double down.”

Ivara scoffed lightly. “I’m not worried about him figuring it out. By the time he does, he’ll already be finished.”

Darian allowed himself a small smile. “Let’s make sure he is.”

The tension between them was thick as they pored over the latest numbers in Ivara’s sleek office at Aspira Plaza. Reports and projections covered the table, detailing Donovan’s crumbling empire. The pieces were all falling into place, but the method for delivering the final blow was still up for debate.

Ivara leaned forward, her expression sharp and unwavering. “We’ve got him cornered. Now is the time to hit hard and make sure he stays down.” Her tone left no room for negotiation.

Darian sat across from her, arms folded, his eyes steady as he listened. “We’ve already taken away his key alliances. There’s no need to draw more attention to this than necessary.”

Ivara’s jaw tightened. “If we stop here, we leave room for him to crawl back. And if he finds a way to recover, it won’t just be embarrassing—it will be dangerous.”

Darian kept his voice calm but firm. “If we push too hard now, we risk looking reckless to investors. This isn’t about crushing someone for the sake of it—it’s about winning without causing unnecessary collateral damage.”

Ivara exhaled sharply, frustration flickering in her eyes. “And what happens if we play it too safe, and he spins this to his advantage? People like Donovan don’t stay down unless you pin them there.”

Darian leaned back slightly, considering her argument. He knew she was right to some extent. Donovan was a seasoned operator—he wouldn’t hesitate to exploit any hesitation on their part. But Darian’s instincts told him that a more controlled finish would secure not only their victory but also their reputation.

“You don’t leave a loose thread and hope it won’t unravel,” Ivara continued, her voice low but cutting. “We make an example out of him. That’s how we send the message that we’re untouchable.”

Darian tapped his fingers on the table, weighing the options. He respected Ivara’s drive—hell, it was one of the reasons their partnership worked so well. But they couldn’t afford to ignite unnecessary conflict with too public a move.

“You want to dismantle him completely,” Darian said slowly. “Fine. But we need to do it without looking like we’re waging a personal vendetta. We’ll strike hard, but we’ll do it in a way that keeps us looking measured, professional.”

Ivara’s eyes gleamed with quiet approval, though her smile was sharp and predatory. “So we finish him on my terms—just with your polish.”

Darian gave a slight nod, knowing this was the closest thing to middle ground they were going to find. “We make it clear he’s done—but we let others say it for us. Let his failures do the talking.”

Ivara’s grin widened. “Now you’re catching on.”

The energy between them shifted slightly—still charged, still filled with friction, but not in a way that threatened their partnership. If anything, the tension between their approaches only seemed to sharpen their strategy.

“We’ll push him over the edge,” Ivara said, rising from her seat. “And once he’s gone, no one will even think about standing in our way.”

Darian stood as well, his expression thoughtful but resolved. “Just make sure the fall is quiet enough not to disturb the neighbors.”

Ivara arched a brow, the glint in her eyes amused but unwavering. “Quiet or loud, as long as it’s permanent.”

Darian chuckled softly. “I’ll leave the style up to you. Just don’t miss.”

Ivara shot him a look that could cut steel. “I never miss.”

In the days that followed, their plan moved steadily forward, each piece falling into place, even as tensions simmered beneath the surface. Darian worked behind the scenes, cutting off Donovan’s supply lines and shifting key alliances quietly, while Ivara struck fast and publicly, sealing contracts that eliminated Donovan’s last avenues of recovery.

The final blow came when an anonymous report—courtesy of Ivara’s carefully placed contacts—highlighted Donovan’s mismanagement to his largest investors. Panic spread within his ranks, and within hours, the rival who once seemed untouchable was left scrambling, trying to salvage what little reputation he had left.

Standing together in Ivara’s office at Aspira Plaza, Darian and Ivara reviewed the reports detailing Donovan’s swift downfall. His influence had vanished as quickly as the ink dried on the last of their contracts.

“Done.” Ivara’s voice carried a note of satisfaction, and she leaned back in her chair, her posture relaxed but her eyes sharp with victory. “He’ll be lucky if he’s running a coffee stand after this.”

Darian smirked, though his expression remained calm. “I’ll admit, your way worked—this time.”

Ivara arched a brow, a glimmer of challenge in her gaze. “It always does.”

Darian crossed his arms, leaning casually against the desk. “Just remember—we agreed this wouldn’t be the norm. There’s a difference between winning and leaving a trail of destruction.”

Ivara gave a slow, predatory smile, the victory clearly fueling her confidence. “If the destruction keeps others from even thinking about coming after us, then it’s worth it.”

Darian shook his head, though there was no frustration in his expression—just quiet amusement. “Remind me to stay on your good side.”

“You’re already there.” Her voice was light, but the edge was unmistakable.

For a moment, they simply stood there, the weight of their success settling in. It had been a flawless victory, a testament to the power of their combined methods. Yet the tension between them—sharp and undeniable—hadn’t faded with the win. If anything, it had grown, simmering just beneath the surface.

Ivara’s gaze lingered on him, her expression unreadable but intent. “You didn’t enjoy this even a little, did you?”

Darian chuckled softly, holding her gaze. “I never said that.”

She tilted her head, studying him like a chess piece she hadn’t fully figured out. “You act like caution is a virtue, but you enjoyed the thrill just as much as I did. Admit it.”

Darian’s smirk deepened. “I enjoyed winning. The method is just details.”

Ivara’s lips curled into a smile—dangerous, amused, and just a little triumphant. “Details are everything.”

Silence settled between them, the weight of it lingering just long enough to hint at something more than professional respect—something both recognized but left untouched.

“You know,” Ivara said, her voice dropping slightly, “we make a good team. As long as we don’t get in each other’s way.”

Darian gave a slow nod, his expression thoughtful. “And as long as we know when to step aside for the other.”

Ivara’s eyes narrowed slightly, though not in annoyance—more in acknowledgment of the delicate balance they had built. “Fair enough.”

Darian’s phone buzzed with a notification, but he didn’t check it right away. Instead, his gaze lingered on Ivara a moment longer than necessary. The weight of the moment was unmistakable, but neither of them moved to break it.

Ivara exhaled softly, as if resetting the conversation. “We should celebrate properly.”

Darian raised an eyebrow. “And what does a proper celebration look like in your world?”

Her smile was small but confident. “You’ll have to stick around to find out.”

Darian chuckled, the tension between them easing slightly, though it didn’t dissipate entirely. “I suppose I’ll take that as an invitation.”

“Take it however you want,” Ivara said, turning toward her desk with the same air of finality she brought to every victory. “Just know that next time, we do things my way from the start.”

Darian gave a soft laugh, heading toward the door. “We’ll see.”

As the door clicked shut behind him, Ivara stood still for a moment, her gaze lingering on the empty space where he had been. Their partnership had been tested today, and they had come out on top. But it was clear that the lines between their professional alliance and something more personal were beginning to blur.

Back in the elevator, Darian exhaled slowly, his thoughts still tangled with the events of the day—and with Ivara. The tension between them was undeniable now, simmering just beneath the surface. For now, they were still partners, still focused on building something bigger than either of them could achieve alone.