ATTPM – Episode 16

He leaned back in his chair, skimming a brief on the newest market developments, when his phone buzzed.

The message was succinct: “Kane’s making a move.”

Darian’s jaw tightened. He swiped to open the full report and read about Elias Kane, a rising tech mogul with a reputation for ruthless expansion. Kane’s new venture, Nexus Innovations, had just launched a product strikingly close to the technologies Darian and Ivara’s empire was developing. Worse, rumors swirled that Kane’s real goal was to disrupt their growing influence.

Darian closed the report with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. It wasn’t just that Kane was entering their territory—it was that he was doing so with precision, targeting their key sectors. This was no coincidence.

He picked up his phone and sent a message to Ivara.

“We need to talk. Now.”

Darian adjusted the camera on his computer, glancing at the time as the call connected. The familiar chime echoed in the quiet office space, and a moment later, Ivara’s sharp image appeared on the screen. She looked composed, her expression cool but alert, as always.

“I take it you’ve seen the news?” Darian said as he leaned back slightly.

Ivara’s gaze flickered knowingly. “Elias Kane.”

“He’s not wasting time,” Darian added, his expression sharpening. “The moment his new venture launched, it was obvious where he was aiming.”

“Right at us,” Ivara replied, her voice calm but edged with intent. “He’s making a move, and he expects us to hesitate.”

“That’s his game,” Darian agreed, his tone measured. “Come in loud, force people to react, and capitalize on the chaos.”

Ivara gave a subtle nod, her expression sharpening. “We can’t afford to let him gain any ground.”

Darian exhaled slowly. “Not without understanding what he’s really after.”

Ivara tilted her head, her voice cool and deliberate. “We already know—he wants a piece of what we’ve built.”

“And if we act too soon, we could play right into his hands,” Darian warned, his voice low but steady. “We need to see the whole picture before we make a move.”

The discussion shifted into strategy, the friction between them surfacing almost immediately.

Ivara leaned in slightly toward the camera. “If we secure the patent from that smaller tech firm now, Kane’s done. It’s the perfect way to lock him out before he gets any closer.”

Darian’s expression remained composed, but there was a subtle tension in his voice. “If Kane expects us to go after it—and we make a public move—we give him exactly what he wants.”

“You really think it’s a trap?” Ivara asked, her tone skeptical but not dismissive.

“I think Kane operates on chaos,” Darian replied. “He’ll want us to jump first, then use it to throw us off balance.”

“And if we wait?” Ivara’s eyes narrowed. “We lose the patent, and suddenly we’re the ones scrambling to catch up.”

Darian leaned forward, his voice calm but firm. “We won’t wait—we’ll move carefully. You go public with the partnerships, keep the momentum going. Meanwhile, I’ll handle the intel. If Kane slips, we’ll be ready.”

Ivara crossed her arms, frustration flickering across her face. “And if he doesn’t slip?”

“Then we pivot,” Darian said without missing a beat. “Fast. But not before we know exactly what we’re dealing with.”

Ivara exhaled sharply, her expression shifting between frustration and reluctant agreement. “Fine. But if an opportunity shows itself, I’m not waiting for approval.”

Darian’s lips curved into a faint smile. “Just make sure I’m close enough to keep things from unraveling.”

Ivara gave him a sharp look, but there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. “You’d better be.”

Ivara’s expression softened, but only slightly, as her gaze lingered on the screen. “You’ve been overly cautious lately, Darian.”

Darian tilted his head, eyebrows raised. “Cautious?”

She gave a small, almost imperceptible shrug. “Hesitant, then.”

Darian leaned back, considering her words. “I pick my moments.”

Her lips curved into a faint smile, though her eyes remained sharp, assessing. “And when will this moment come? The one worth picking?”

Darian met her gaze steadily, unflinching. “When it’s necessary.”

She let out a soft, almost amused breath, her posture relaxing just a fraction. “You always wait for the perfect moment. Always.”

Darian didn’t respond immediately. He knew what she meant—both in the context of business and something else that had been lingering between them for months now. He wasn’t blind to the undercurrents that had been pulling them closer, nor was he unaware of how easily they could tip over the edge if they weren’t careful.

But caution wasn’t hesitation. It was control. Something neither of them could afford to lose right now.

“I wait,” he said finally, his voice quiet but firm, “because I know what happens if we move too soon.”

Her gaze lingered on him, and for a brief second, he saw something shift in her expression—something softer, more vulnerable. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. The Ivara he knew—the one who never backed down from a challenge—was back.

“And if you wait too long?” she challenged, her eyes glinting with the same sharpness he had come to expect from her.

Darian’s lips twitched into a small, knowing smile. “I won’t.”

The silence that followed wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was heavy with everything that remained unsaid. They had been dancing around the edges of something for months now, something neither of them had been willing to fully acknowledge. Perhaps because they both knew that once they crossed that line, there would be no going back.

Ivara leaned back in her chair, her gaze never leaving his. “Tomorrow, then.”

Darian’s response was immediate. “Tomorrow.”

She gave a small, satisfied nod, her lips curving into something that was more challenge than smile. “Don’t be late.”

Darian chuckled softly, his eyes still locked on hers. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

The call ended, leaving Darian alone in the quiet of his office. He stared at the blank screen for a moment longer, his thoughts lingering on Ivara’s final words.