ATTPM – Episode 18

The news broke before Darian could even open his morning brief.

Ventra Dynamics Acquires VoltaLabs: A Strategic Play Against Nexus Innovations

Darian stared at the announcement in disbelief. VoltaLabs—a small but innovative firm on the brink of collapse—had been rumored to be Elias Kane’s next move. The acquisition could block Elias from gaining valuable technology, but it was a precarious gamble. The company was drowning in debt, and integrating it into their empire would be a financial nightmare if things went wrong.

He felt the heat rising in his chest, his jaw tightening. This was exactly the kind of move he had warned against—rushed, high-risk, and done without his input.

His phone buzzed in quick succession.


He answered immediately. “I just saw the news. Please tell me this was a bad headline.”

“Nope,” Ivara replied, her voice sharp and unapologetic. “I made the deal last night.”

Darian’s grip on the phone tightened. “Without discussing it with me?”

“I discussed it with myself,” Ivara shot back, cool and unbothered. “And I decided it was worth the risk. Kane wanted VoltaLabs? Now he doesn’t get it.”

“This isn’t just about beating Kane,” Darian said, his voice low and controlled. “It’s about making sure we don’t break ourselves in the process.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Ivara snapped. “I weighed the risks. This was the right move.”

Darian exhaled slowly, reigning in his frustration. “The right move would have been running the numbers together, making sure we weren’t overextending.”

“We don’t have the luxury of overanalyzing every step,” Ivara said, her tone sharp with finality. “You know as well as I do that Kane would’ve snapped them up if we hesitated.”

“And if this acquisition sinks us?” Darian countered. “What then?”

“It won’t,” Ivara said with absolute conviction. “Because I won’t let it.”

Darian paced the length of his office, the tension in his chest tightening with every step. He knew Ivara was bold, but this was reckless—even for her.

Minutes later, she appeared on his screen, her expression calm but resolute.

“You should’ve told me,” Darian said, his voice colder than usual.

“I made the call,” Ivara replied, crossing her arms. “And it was the right one.”

“You made it without me,” Darian shot back. “And now we’re carrying the fallout together.”

Ivara’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t make this decision lightly, Darian. But someone had to act, and I did.”

“This isn’t just about acting,” Darian said, frustration creeping into his voice. “It’s about building something sustainable. You can’t bulldoze every problem that comes your way.”

“You think I bulldozed this?” Ivara’s voice rose, a rare crack in her composure. “I did what needed to be done—because while you were still debating strategy, Kane was already making his next move.”

Darian stopped pacing, staring at the screen. “And now we’re in deeper than ever.”

“We’ve been in deep since day one,” Ivara shot back. “You just don’t like that I didn’t ask permission.”

“This isn’t about permission,” Darian said, his voice low and dangerous. “It’s about trust. You don’t get to make these kinds of decisions alone.”

Ivara’s jaw tightened. “And maybe I don’t need your approval to do what’s best.”

Darian’s frustration boiled over. “This isn’t just your empire, Ivara. It’s ours. Or at least it’s supposed to be.”

For a moment, the air between them felt heavy—thick with months of tension, unspoken frustrations, and something else neither of them dared acknowledge.

Ivara’s gaze sharpened, and when she spoke, her voice was quieter but no less fierce. “Do you really think I don’t know what’s at stake?”

“I think you don’t always care how much you risk to win,” Darian said, meeting her gaze without flinching.

“And I think you’re scared of what happens if you stop being careful,” Ivara shot back, her voice cutting.

Darian exhaled sharply, dragging a hand through his hair. “You always push everything to the limit.”

“And you always pull back,” Ivara countered. “Maybe that’s why we work. Or maybe that’s what’s going to tear us apart.”

The weight of her words settled between them, raw and unfiltered. For months, they had danced around the cracks in their partnership, but now those cracks were threatening to widen.

Darian stared at her, the frustration in his chest shifting into something deeper—something closer to regret. “Ivara…if we keep going like this, we’re going to destroy everything.”

Ivara’s expression softened, just slightly. “Or maybe we build something no one else can touch.”

The moment lingered between them—charged, unresolved, and full of everything they hadn’t said aloud. The lines between business and something more had blurred long ago, and now they were teetering on the edge of a precipice neither of them was ready to confront.

Later that night, Darian stood by the window of his private suite, staring out at the city skyline. A glass of scotch rested in his hand, but it did little to soothe the restless thoughts swirling in his mind.

He knew Ivara wasn’t wrong. The acquisition of VoltaLabs could pay off—if they played their cards right. But the way she had acted, without consulting him, without even a warning, cut deeper than he wanted to admit.

It wasn’t just about the deal. It was about trust. And for the first time, Darian wondered if they were losing that trust along the way.

Marcus’s words echoed in his mind: “Your feelings might cloud your judgment.”

Darian exhaled slowly, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure if the problem was that he cared too much—or if the real problem was that he cared about Ivara in a way he couldn’t afford to.

In her penthouse, Ivara sat by the window, the lights of the city reflecting in her glass of wine. She replayed the argument in her mind, frustration simmering beneath the surface.

Darius had been right. Trust was a tricky thing, and Ivara didn’t trust easily.

But Darian…he was different. He wasn’t just a business partner—he was someone who had challenged her in ways no one else ever had. And that terrified her as much as it thrilled her.

Ivara swirled the wine in her glass, staring out at the city below. She knew she should let the argument go, focus on the bigger picture. But part of her couldn’t shake the feeling that something between them was shifting—and she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing.

The quiet of the night settled around her, but her mind remained restless. The partnership that had once felt like solid ground now felt like a high-wire act—one wrong step, and everything could come crashing down.

As the hours dragged on, both Darian and Ivara sat alone in their respective spaces, their thoughts heavy with the weight of everything they had built—and everything they stood to lose.

Could he trust Ivara’s instincts, even if they clashed with his own?

Could she keep building alongside Darian without letting him too close?