ATTPM – Episode 20

The plan had been set in motion with precision, each step unfolding exactly as Darian and Ivara had mapped out. Elias Kane’s latest move—a partnership designed to corner the market on production capabilities—was already unraveling.

Darian sat in his office, watching the live market updates on his screen. The numbers shifted quickly, reflecting Nexus Innovations’ faltering position. News had leaked—carefully orchestrated by Ivara—about Nexus’s inability to meet critical production deadlines. In tandem, Thermex Manufacturing announced an exclusive contract with Ventra Dynamics, locking Kane out of the supply lines he’d been counting on.

VoltaLabs had also started paying off faster than expected. Acquiring the company had been risky, but the move had granted them access to valuable patents and cutting-edge prototypes that Kane had hoped to control. Integrating VoltaLabs wasn’t without its challenges, but it was already proving worth the gamble—positioning their empire several steps ahead of Nexus’s timeline.

Darian’s phone buzzed as a new alert popped up: Nexus Stock Drops Amid Production Scandal

He allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. They had struck where Kane was most vulnerable, cutting off his access to resources and exposing his overreach to the market. Nexus was now scrambling to contain the fallout, but the damage was already done.

A call came through—Ivara. He answered immediately, her voice crackling through the speaker with unmistakable satisfaction.

“It’s done,” she said, her tone sharp but triumphant. “Kane didn’t see it coming.”

Darian leaned back in his chair, savoring the moment. “You doubted me?”

Ivara chuckled. “Not exactly. But I wouldn’t have put money on you moving this fast.”

“Desperation has a way of speeding things up,” Darian replied dryly. “But we didn’t just get him. We buried him.”

“Kane’s not recovering from this anytime soon,” Ivara agreed, her voice edged with relish. “And the best part? We didn’t even have to lift a finger publicly.”

Darian smirked. “No one’s going to blame us for his collapse—only applaud us for filling the gap.”

For the first time in weeks, the tension between them felt lighter. They were back in sync, the familiar rhythm of their partnership restored.

The private lounge had become their refuge—a place where the demands of the outside world could be left at the door. Tonight, it felt different. The victory over Kane had reignited their momentum, and the air between them was lighter, almost easy.

Darian poured them both a drink, the amber liquid catching the dim light. He handed a glass to Ivara, who accepted it with a nod of thanks.

“To winning,” she said, raising her glass.

“To knowing when to strike,” Darian added, clinking his glass lightly against hers.

They drank in silence for a moment, savoring the stillness. It wasn’t just about the win—it was about knowing they had weathered the storm together and come out stronger.

“You ever think we’re too good at this?” Ivara asked, a teasing edge in her voice.

Darian chuckled. “You worried we’ll run out of opponents?”

She shrugged, the corners of her mouth lifting into a rare, genuine smile. “Maybe.”

Darian leaned back, watching her over the rim of his glass. “If that happens, I’m sure we’ll find something else to conquer.”

Ivara laughed softly. “I’ll drink to that.”

The conversation drifted, straying from strategy and business into easier topics. They talked about the absurd headlines that had followed Kane’s downfall, exchanged sarcastic remarks about industry gossip, and—against all odds—found themselves laughing more than they had in weeks.

The chemistry between them hummed beneath the surface, ever-present but carefully contained. Neither of them would cross that line—not tonight, not yet—but the awareness of it lingered.

The night stretched on, the bottle of scotch steadily dwindling between them. At some point, the conversation slowed, settling into a comfortable silence.

Ivara stood first, gathering her things with her usual fluid grace. Darian followed suit, walking with her to the door. Their steps falling into the familiar rhythm that had defined their partnership from the beginning.

At the threshold, she turned to him, her gaze lingering just a moment too long.

“You know,” she said, her voice quiet but edged with something unspoken, “we make a dangerous team.”

Darian’s lips curved into a slow, amused smile. “That’s the point, isn’t it?”

Ivara’s answering smile was sharp, but there was something softer in her eyes—something that hadn’t been there before.

For a moment, neither of them moved. The air between them felt heavy, charged with the weight of everything unsaid.

Their hands brushed, just barely, but the contact was enough to send a spark through Darian’s veins. Ivara didn’t pull away. Neither did he.

The tension tightened, electric and undeniable, wrapping around them like a coil pulled too tight.

Darian leaned in, just slightly—so close that he could feel the warmth of her breath against his skin. For a second, the world narrowed to just the two of them, the pull between them impossible to ignore.

But then, with a quiet exhale, Darian pulled back, the moment slipping away like sand through his fingers.

“Not tonight,” he murmured, the words more habit than conviction.

Ivara’s smile was small, amused but knowing. “You keep saying that.”

“And you keep waiting,” Darian countered, his voice low and edged with something dangerous.

She tilted her head slightly, her gaze steady. “Maybe I just like the game.”

Darian chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Careful, Ivara. You might win.”

She smiled again, a glimmer of challenge in her eyes. “That’s the idea.”

With that, she turned, slipping through the door with a grace that was entirely her own.

Darian stood there for a moment longer, watching as she disappeared down the hallway. The tension in his chest hadn’t eased—it had only deepened, leaving him restless and unsettled.

He ran a hand through his hair, exhaling slowly.

The night wasn’t over—not by a long shot.

Back in her penthouse, Ivara leaned against the window, staring out at the glittering city below. The victory over Kane should have felt like closure, but instead, it felt like the beginning of something else.

She thought of Darian, of the way he had looked at her tonight, and the spark that had flickered between them. It was dangerous, what they were doing—dancing on the edge of something they couldn’t quite define.

But Ivara had never been one to back down from a challenge.

She smiled to herself, a slow, deliberate curve of her lips.

Whatever this was—whatever it might become—she wasn’t finished playing the game.

Not yet.

Alone in his suite, Darian poured himself another drink, the city lights casting long shadows across the room. He thought of Ivara—her sharp wit, her relentless ambition, and the spark that ignited every time they crossed paths.

They were walking a fine line, balancing on the edge of something that could either elevate them to new heights or tear them apart.

Darian swirled the liquid in his glass, his thoughts tangled and restless.

Whatever came next, he knew one thing for certain: they weren’t done.

Not even close.