ATTPM – Episode 6

It had been several months since Darian and Ivara had signed the agreement that formalized their alliance. In that time, they had worked together efficiently, despite being in separate offices and often communicating through emails, phone calls, and video conferences.

Darian sat in his corner office at Ardent Tower, reviewing the latest market projections. The city outside was bathed in the golden light of late afternoon, but Darian’s attention was focused on the numbers in front of him. Everything was moving according to plan—steady, calculated progress.

Across the city, Ivara’s office buzzed with energy. Her team worked quickly, responding to the flow of emails and updates she sent their way. She thrived in this fast-paced environment, her sharp mind moving effortlessly from one task to the next. She had never been one for drawn-out processes—results came from action, not hesitation.

Their communication that day had been minimal but effective. Both knew what was required, and neither needed to check in more than necessary. Ivara had just sent an email:

> Subject: Market Projections
> From: Ivara
> To: Darian
> Numbers are in from our latest AI division. We’re outperforming estimates by 12%.
> No surprises here. Let’s keep moving forward.

Darian’s eyes flicked over the message. A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He tapped a quick reply:

> Subject: Re: Market Projections
> From: Darian
> To: Ivara
> I’ll make the necessary adjustments. Keep me posted on any fluctuations.

He leaned back in his chair, reflecting on their progress. Despite their different approaches—her decisive and bold moves, his careful planning and calculated risks—they were proving to be a powerful combination. Ivara’s instinct to drive things forward meshed well with his ability to see several steps ahead.

His phone buzzed—Ivara calling. He picked up without hesitation, his tone even.

“Impressive numbers,” Darian said, cutting to the point.

“Expected,” Ivara replied, her voice calm but assertive. “We need to capitalize on it before anyone else catches wind.”

“Agreed,” Darian said. “I’ll inform the team of our next steps. We can adjust projections for the next quarter.”

“Good,” Ivara replied. “I’ll handle the external PR. Let’s not waste any momentum.”

The call ended as quickly as it had started—efficient and to the point, just like their partnership. Darian stared at his phone for a moment, appreciating how well they had fallen into a rhythm. They didn’t need endless meetings or drawn-out discussions. They both understood what was at stake and how to navigate it.

Later in the day, as Darian was finalizing details for the next phase, his phone buzzed again—a video call from Ivara. He answered, her face immediately filling his screen, her expression sharp and unreadable.

“We’ve got a problem,” Ivara said without preamble. “Vance Holdings is making a move.”

Darian’s eyebrows rose slightly, though his voice remained calm. “Go on.”

“They’re spreading rumors,” Ivara continued, her tone clipped. “I just got word from one of our key investors. Vance is implying that our alliance is unstable, that we won’t last under pressure.”

Darian leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. “And where’s the source of these rumors?”

Ivara’s mouth tightened. “It seems Vance has been angling to unsettle our investors for weeks. They’re playing a long game, trying to create doubt.”

“They know they can’t compete with us head-on, so they’re trying to erode confidence,” Darian said, his voice low and measured. “Typical.”

“I’m not going to let this slide,” Ivara said, her tone as sharp as ever. “We need to shut them down.”

Darian’s mind was already calculating the steps needed to neutralize the threat. “We need to hit them on two fronts. I’ll gather intel on Vance Holdings and discredit the rumors. You handle the investors—make sure they stay on board.”

Ivara’s eyes flashed with determination. “Already ahead of you. I have calls scheduled with our top investors. They’ll know this is nothing but desperate sabotage.”

“Good,” Darian replied, his voice steady. “I’ll work on shutting down the source.”

They ended the call, both plunging into action. Darian immediately began contacting his network, tapping into the quiet but effective channels of information he had built over the years. He wasn’t just going to stop Vance Holdings from spreading rumors—he intended to turn the situation around and expose their tactics.

Meanwhile, Ivara’s calls to investors were swift and precise. She cut through the uncertainty, her tone firm as she reassured them of the alliance’s stability. Her confidence left no room for doubt—she wasn’t just responding to the rumors, she was dismantling them entirely.

An hour later, Darian’s phone buzzed again—another video call from Ivara.

“We’re secure on the investor front,” Ivara said the moment her face appeared on his screen. “They’re back in line, convinced Vance’s rumors are baseless.”

Darian allowed himself a brief smile. “Good. I’ve tracked the rumors to a couple of key figures in Vance Holdings. They’re being discredited as we speak. By tomorrow, the narrative will shift back in our favor.”

Ivara leaned back in her chair, visibly more relaxed but still sharp. “Make sure Vance feels the consequences.”

“They will,” Darian said, his voice cool but assured. “They won’t try this again.”

As the evening descended on the city, Darian stood by the windows of his office, the lights of the metropolis twinkling below. The situation with Vance Holdings had been dealt with—swiftly and effectively. Their joint venture was back on track, and the threat had been neutralized.

His phone buzzed softly. Another video call from Ivara. He accepted, her face filling the screen once more. This time, her expression was calm but tinged with a faint satisfaction.

“It’s done,” Ivara said, her voice steady. “Vance Holdings has backed off, and the investors are even more confident now.”

“Good work,” Darian replied, his tone matching hers. “We handled that well.”

Ivara nodded slightly. “We’re a more effective team than I expected. Not bad for a partnership that’s still in its early stages.”

Darian’s lips curved into a faint smile. “Our methods may be different, but they complement each other. Your boldness, my caution. It works.”

“For now,” Ivara said, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “Let’s see how long we can keep it that way.”

Darian raised an eyebrow. “You think that’ll change?”

“Maybe,” Ivara said, her eyes gleaming. “Or maybe we’ll just keep surprising each other.”

Darian turned his gaze back to the city outside. “As long as we keep moving forward, I don’t see that being a problem.”

The call ended, but the unspoken tension remained. Despite the clear victory, both Darian and Ivara knew that this was only the beginning. The stakes would continue to rise, and the challenges ahead would only grow more complex.