ATTPM – Episode 7

The private dining room at The Cobalt Lounge had become a familiar setting for high-ranking business figures like Darian and Ivara. The restaurant, known for its discretion, was a favorite among those who needed a place to speak freely—away from the watchful eyes of competitors. Tonight, the flicker of soft candlelight, combined with the low hum of conversation from distant tables, set a tone that felt both intimate and neutral.

It had been several months since Darian and Ivara formalized their alliance. Though most of their communication had been through phone calls and video conferences, this meeting felt timely. Their venture was thriving, and both had felt it was time to meet face-to-face outside their respective domains.

Darian sat at the table, his gaze briefly drifting out the window before settling on the door as Ivara entered. She moved with her usual confidence, though there was something more relaxed about her demeanor tonight.

“Good choice,” Ivara said as she approached the table, offering a slight smirk. “This place never disappoints.”

“I thought it was fitting,” Darian replied, rising briefly to greet her. “A familiar setting for both of us.”

She nodded, her eyes flicking around the room before sitting down. “It’s one of the few places where you can actually have a conversation without worrying about being overheard.”

The waiter arrived discreetly to pour wine, and after he left, they settled into the comfortable atmosphere that The Cobalt Lounge provided. Ivara swirled her wine glass absently.

She took a sip, then set the glass down. “We’ve made impressive progress,” she said, moving smoothly into the business at hand. “Our joint venture is exceeding expectations, even with the challenges we’ve faced. The balance between us has been… effective.”

“It has,” Darian agreed. “Your decisiveness keeps us ahead of the curve, and my caution keeps us grounded.”

She tilted her head slightly, as if weighing his words. “I didn’t expect it to work as well as it has. You’ve likely noticed by now that I don’t trust easily.”

Darian raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. “It’s been hard to miss.”

There was a flicker of something behind Ivara’s expression—perhaps the recognition of a shared understanding, or maybe something deeper. She paused for a moment, studying him carefully.

“You’re not wrong,” she said, her voice lowering slightly. “I don’t. And you’ve probably heard the rumors about my family, about what happened. But what people don’t know is that the downfall of my family wasn’t just because of external competition and the typical betrayal. It was the kind you don’t see coming.”

Darian remained quiet, sensing the shift in the conversation.

Ivara leaned back slightly, her fingers lightly tracing the rim of her wine glass as she spoke. Her gaze flicked to the flickering candle between them, then back to Darian. “My father’s closest friend—his business partner, someone who had been a part of our family for decades—betrayed us. He sabotaged everything we had built, not for profit, but because he thought he knew better. He thought he was saving us from ourselves.”

Darian’s eyes narrowed slightly, though his expression remained composed. “Someone that close?”

Ivara nodded, her voice tight with the weight of old wounds. “He was at every family event. Every business meeting. We trusted him completely. But behind our backs, he was undermining every decision my father made. By the time we realized what was happening, it was too late.”

Her fingers tightened briefly around the glass before she let go, her voice returning to its usual calm. “I learned the hard way that trust is a liability. When you give someone too much control, you open the door to betrayal.”

Darian remained quiet, absorbing her words. He had known something had happened to Ivara’s family—something more than just bad business—but hearing it directly from her, with all the personal stakes attached, gave it new weight. It wasn’t just about losing an empire; it was about being blindsided by someone they had let in.

“You’ve rebuilt everything from the ground up,” Darian said quietly, his voice steady. “That takes more than just strength. It takes resilience.”

Ivara’s lips curved into a faint smile, though there was a hint of weariness behind it. “Resilience. Survival. Call it whatever you want. But I learned that you can only count on yourself.”

There was a brief silence, the weight of her revelation lingering between them. Darian respected her even more now, not just for what she had built, but for how she had done it—alone, with no one to rely on but herself.

“That’s why this partnership works for me,” Ivara continued, her voice firm but not without a trace of vulnerability. “Because I’m not giving up control. I’ve been through too much to let someone else take the reins.”

Darian met her gaze evenly. “You won’t have to. We’re equals in this. I respect your independence, and I wouldn’t ask you to sacrifice it.”

“I’ve been used to doing things on my own for a long time,” Ivara said, her voice soft but steady. “But this alliance… it’s been different.”

Darian held her gaze, his expression thoughtful, but he didn’t press. “Different can be a good thing.”

Ivara’s eyes flicked down to her glass, her fingers tracing the rim again. “We’ll see.”

There was a moment of mutual understanding in the silence that followed. Neither of them needed to say anything more—trust was something earned over time, and tonight had simply been another step forward. There was no rush to define it, no need to push further than they were ready to go.

Darian smiled faintly, not with any expectation but with the quiet confidence that their partnership would continue to evolve—on its own terms. “For now, we keep moving forward.”

Ivara met his gaze, a flicker of respect crossing her features. “Agreed.”

With that, the conversation returned to a comfortable stillness, both of them content to let things unfold at their own pace.

After Ivara left, Darian remained in the private dining room for a while longer, reflecting on the conversation they had just shared. The soft flicker of candlelight cast shadows on the table, but his thoughts were focused on Ivara.

She had shared something deeply personal tonight, something she didn’t offer easily. Her story of betrayal wasn’t just about business—it was about trust, about being blindsided by someone close. He respected her even more for her ability to rebuild from such a deep wound, and he understood now why she guarded herself so fiercely.

Darian’s admiration for Ivara had always been rooted in her competence and ambition, but now there was something more. She was resilient in ways few others were, and that resilience was what made her such a formidable partner.